Height: 41.34 in (105 cm)Width: 41.34 in (105 cm)Depth: 1.19 in (3 cm)
Parscha Mirghawameddin is one of the most popular and successful artists in Germany. For him, art is an outlet for his emotional world, which Parscha Mirghawameddin has used since his childhood. For him, creativity connects people with their true inner self and expresses inner thoughts and feelings. The artist often dreams of color compositions that he tries to put on the canvas during the day. He is not fixated on one theme, but rather concentrates on the play of colors and their execution in his paintings. In Parscha Mirghawameddin’s works, minimalist and dreamy surfaces alternate, giving the paintings liveliness. To create his deep surfaces, the artist applies paint to the canvas in layers with a sponge. He uses a squeegee to continue applying soft and hard layers. What is particularly important for Mirghawameddin during this shift change is not to apply the color randomly somewhere, but where it belongs, namely where it feels good to him. Highly pigmented artist acrylic paint in study quality with high color brilliance. Signed, dated and numbered on the front and back of the canvas.

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