anni 90
Height: 11.03 in (28 cm)Width: 8.27 in (21 cm)Depth: 1.58 in (4 cm)
A light blue Murano glass picture frame designed and manufactured in Venice in the style of Barovier in lovely condition. The vintage photo frame is a beautiful and elegant piece of decor that is perfect for displaying your favorite memories in style. Barovier is a renowned Italian glass-making company that has been in operation since 1295, and its products are highly valued by collectors and design enthusiasts alike. The photo frame features a rectangular shape with a solid brass clean internal frame. The outer part of the frame is made of turquoise Murano glass, carefully crafted by skilled artisans, with each piece being unique due to the nature of the glass-making process. This photo frame is a perfect example of the Art Deco style that was popular in the early 20th century, characterized by bold geometric shapes, sleek lines, and a focus on luxury and craftsmanship. The photo frame is a timeless piece that will add elegance and sophistication to any room

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