Antiques, Modernism and Vintage Fashion
Antiques, Modernism and Vintage Fashion
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Subscribe to the newsletter so you don't miss any new announcements published, every week a report with new uploads and other news. is the portal dedicated to Antiques, Modern Art and Design where professional antique dealers and traders display their items for sale.
It is aimed at the enthusiast, the collector and the dealer, offering itself as a trusted point of reference for the proposal and research of antiques, modern antiques and design online, guaranteeing reliability, quality and extreme ease of communication between dealers and buyer. An exceptional showcase that allows direct sales or negotiations directly with the antique dealer/gallery owner/dealer offering the piece, without mediation or auctions. Dozens of different categories will allow you to search among works, furniture and unique objects offered for sale by a continuously expanding selection of sellers from all over Italy and beyond.
Navigate through all the eras and styles of the High Era, from the paintings of the sixteenth century and Louis XVI furniture, to the design that characterized the twentieth century and which has forcefully returned to the fore, in the wake of the great names of Italian architects and designers and international. Visit or become part of, a real online shop, a curated and constantly updated gallery capable of showing the public, wherever they may be,
items chosen and offered by the best sellers. is the portal dedicated to Antiques, Modern Art and Design where professional antique dealers and traders display their items for sale.
It is aimed at the enthusiast, the collector and the dealer, offering itself as a trusted point of reference for the proposal and research of antiques, modern antiques and design online, guaranteeing reliability, quality and extreme ease of communication between dealers and buyer.
An exceptional showcase that allows direct sales or negotiations directly with the antique dealer/gallery owner/dealer offering the piece, without mediation or
auctions. Dozens of different categories will allow you to search among works, furniture and unique objects offered for sale by a continuously expanding selection of sellers from all over Italy and beyond.
Navigate through all the eras and styles of the High Era, from the paintings of the sixteenth century and Louis XVI furniture, to the design that characterized the twentieth century and which has forcefully returned to the fore, in the wake of the great names of Italian architects and designers and international. Visit or join, a real online shop, a gallery
curated and constantly updated, capable of showing the public, wherever they may be, items chosen and offered by the best sellers.