
Shipping cost to be agreed with the seller
Ars Antiqua Srl
Via C.Pisacane, 55
Milan (IT)
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early nineteenth century


cm height 18


early nineteenth century
Venus with Apple
Alabaster, cm high. 18

The small sculpture depicts Venus, the goddess of beauty and love. The languid and sinuous but at the same time innocent and chaste pose refers to more famous examples such as the Venus with apple by Bertel Thorvalsen, a 19th century neoclassical sculptor. The goddess silently observes the fruit held in her right hand, while with her left hand she holds the cloth used to cover her nakedness. The fruit is usually depicted in the hands of the goddess of beauty in memory of the dispute for the golden apple disputed between Juno, Minerva and Venus herself and then won by the latter, considered the most beautiful by the Trojan prince Paris; in exchange the goddess offers the young man the love of the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen, a love that led to the outbreak of the Trojan War.

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Shipping cost to be agreed with the seller
Ars Antiqua Srl
Via C.Pisacane, 55
Milan (IT)
Contact the seller directly

Associate seller


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