
Shipping cost to be agreed with the seller
Antiquities Giglio
Via Carlo Pisacane, 53
Milan (IT)
Contact the seller directly

Associate seller

Contact the seller directly

Angelo Inganni (Brescia 1807 – Gussago 1880), “Interior scene with mask”, oil on canvas, 97×75 cm


Please remember that "Antichità Giglio" purchases its assets from private clients and presents them in their current and real state of conservation. If the images are not fully explanatory, what is stated in the cataloging is valid. The lack of explicit references in the cataloging regarding the state of conservation of an asset does not imply that it is free of imperfections or that it needs to be restored. Please remember that "Antichità Giglio" does not guarantee the normal functioning of the electrical or mechanical parts as the goods are to be considered exclusively on the basis of their historical, artistic and decorative value.

The shipping costs of the goods are borne by the buyer and are calculated based on the destination and actual size of the objects. We use highly specialized trusted couriers or we deliver personally.

In the case of international purchases, “Antichità Giglio” may request export documentation from the competent authorities on behalf of the buyers.

The Gallery has, if required, an antique restoration service specializing in furniture, furnishing accessories and paintings.




Shipping cost to be agreed with the seller
Antiquities Giglio
Via Carlo Pisacane, 53
Milan (IT)
Contact the seller directly

Associate seller


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