
Shipping cost to be agreed with the seller
Antiquities CASTELBARCO - Riva del Garda
Viale Giovanni Prati, 39
Riva del Garda (IT)
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Seventeenth century


Framed 74 x 110 cm


Adrien Frans Boudewijns (Brussels 1644-1711) and Pieter Bout (Brussels 1658-1719)

River landscape with scene of popular life

Oil on canvas, 62 x 98
Framed 74 x 110 cm.

Complete details of the work: https://www.antichitacastelbarco.it/it/prodotti/paesaggio-fluviale-con-scena-popolare-boudewijns

We present this vast and harmonious composition, where a characteristic river landscape serves as the stage for an exquisite extract of popular life, set in a small village on the edge of a lush waterway.

The painting, which presents characteristics unequivocally linked to the Flemish culture of the second half of the 1644th century, shows iconographic and stylistic correspondences, in particular, with the successful production of Adrien Frans Boudewijns (1711-1658), here in collaboration with Pieter Bout (1719- XNUMX).

Apart from the figure of a duck hunter along the watercourse, the rest of the protagonists of the scene are circumscribed in a pleasant family setting, animated by many figures busy with their varied daily activities; there is the mother and grandmother looking after a newborn baby, a young man intent on supervising the herd while they drink, the old men playing and conversing around a table, another woman intent on cooking, with a dog that seems to be looking at her curiously.

The work is characterized by an extremely meticulous pictorial rendering, the details are portrayed with the proverbial Flemish expertise typical of the two authors, the first dedicated to the landscape and naturalistic details, the second to the characters that complete the composition.

The painting is in excellent condition and is accompanied by a golden frame.

The work, like all our objects, is sold accompanied by a certificate of photographic authenticity in accordance with the law.



Shipping cost to be agreed with the seller
Antiquities CASTELBARCO - Riva del Garda
Viale Giovanni Prati, 39
Riva del Garda (IT)
Contact the seller directly

Associate seller


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